
Grocers of Istanbul: Tracing Food Consumption

The main objective of GrocerIST is to reveal and analyse the food consumption patterns of inhabitants in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Istanbul through the use of grocers' (bakkal) inheritance inventories. By making comparisons across the centuries and different socio-economic conditions of the city, this project intends to discuss the food consumption of Ottomans within the frameworks of the internal and external political and socio-economic circumstances of the empire.


A list of documents containing inheritance inventories

Browse Documents


A list of persons mentioned in the inheritance documents

Browse Grocers


A list of groceries from the inheritance inventories

Browse Groceries

Grocery Categories

List of groceries by category

Browse Grocery Categories


List of utensils

Browse Utensils


Locations of grocers

Browse Locations


Different charts and graphs about the data

Browse Dashboard